A Large Labrador Day

Marty Byrne
About This Event

Labrador is commonly referred to as 'The Big Land'. In the proverbial land that God gave Cain appears the juxtaposition of barren and beautiful. Marty Byrne's show "A Large Labrador Day" reflects the rugged beauty that is Labrador. The phrase "large Labrador day" is a common expression used by Labradorians to describe an exceptionally beautiful day. The vast crisp blue skies, the ever-rolling hills, bright sun, and the great northern lights inspire Byrne's exhibition. The work will represent Labrador in grand style with large ceramic pieces of art. The size of the pieces will echo the grand impression Labrador has left upon the artist. Marty Byrne is sharing his experience of Labrador through this body of work, informing the audience about a 'big land' so many have yet to discover.

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