Just One More Moment

Kayla Walsh
About This Event

When I sit looking out to the ocean, the darkness of my mind is forced out by the cold air on my face, the salt in my nose, the earth under my body, and the sounds of the waves crashing. I am forced into the now; worries about the future do not exist and obsessions about the past fade away for a few seconds at a time. Weaving and manipulating fabric with my body brings the same sense of peace I find sitting beside a roaring ocean. Every inch of thread must travel through my hands, demanding presence in dyeing, weaving, and embroidery. This process of creating with natural materials fully immerses me in the present moment. Woven into this body of work are countless threads of presence, each a mark on the journey of time. Sometimes the moments of presence are far apart, far away and seemingly out of reach but when I finally feel it, I beg for just one more moment.

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