Up-to-date information resources on COVID-19 situation:
Need a step by step guide of where to start?

We recommend the Craft Ontario resources page, written with the craft artist at heart. Much of this information is national in focus, but the local resources may give you ideas of where else to look for support in your community.

Resources for small businesses:

Our partners at NLOWE have created a comprehensive list of resources out there currently for Canadian businesses:

The Government of Canada has shared a number of resources for small businesses during this time:

Financial Loss + Recording Losses

*Please note the special EI hotline for people affected by Coronavirus is only for those with a confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis or who are under government-imposed quarantine. If you call this line and eventually reach an agent, you will be asked to go online and apply for EI benefits via the standard channels. Please read the directives on this web page carefully.

© Craft Council of NL - 2025