Sound Symposium Installation Piece: Action Without Action

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Joshua Le Gallienne
About This Event

Action Without Action (2022) is an interactive installation focused on the relationships between sound, space and invisible natural forces. It provides an alternative model of sound diffusion where acoustic sources are able to disperse and reorganize themselves within a three-dimensional field – achieving this without the use of loudspeakers, electronics, or digital technologies. Its interactivity is purely analogue; reliant on a complex combination of meticulously-calibrated materials reactive to infinitesimal changes in environmental conditions. The work consists of a number of bespoke glass bells, each suspended in mid-air by a helium-filled latex balloon. Like traditional wind chimes, these tubular glass bells produce sound when activated by the movement of air. However, unlike traditional wind chimes, these bells are granted autonomy of movement from the buoyancy of the helium balloons. This autonomy allows the bells to travel freely around the space, sounding in response to environmental changes. In addition to gravity, the balloons are sensitive to variations in air pressure, air currents, temperature, humidity, vibration, and electromagnetic radiation. These factors influence the behaviour of the balloons, determining their speed and position in the space. As the balloons gracefully dance and reposition themselves throughout the gallery, the location of each sound source does too. Action Without Action relies on the scientific principle of neutral buoyancy; a state of equilibrium that exists when the force of gravity is in perfect opposition to the force of lift. Through precise calibration, each balloon is perfectly weighted, floating in mid-air and neither sinking to the ground nor rising to the ceiling. Over time, the work offers subtle perceptive differences as the bells occupy different spatial positions in a continually evolving structure. It is a work where visitors can contribute to the ongoing reconfiguration of the work simply by being present in the space.

"LAB" Gallery
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